Free version of iCyclus to track your menstrual cycles and fertile days
Track and record your periods
Up to 3 dates can be added in this free version
Predict your next period
Predict next ovulation
Colored fertlity levels
Select date and time
Supports the following date and time formats:
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a.m./ p.m.
DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm a.m./ p.m.
DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm
English/ German
Predictions are calculated by statistical analysis of your cycle lengths
Varying cycle lengths are analyzed
Number of dates to be considered/ adaptive cycle length
Predicted next 9 period ranges are marked in calendar
Predicted next fertile days are marked in calendar
Calculates predicted birth date in planning a baby mode
Mean cycle deviation
Reliability of prediction
Natural contraception mode
Planning a baby mode
Different colors for natural contraception and baby planner
English/ German